Quality Enhancement Plan II

Development of QEP II

Lamar University is in the process of developing its second Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP). Our first QEP, Active and Collaborative Engagement for Students (ACES), ended in 2014 and has been successfully integrated into CTLE programming as a new faculty support and mentoring program under the leadership of Dr. Amy Smith.

The QEP is a SACSCOC accreditation initiative aimed at improving the quality of student learning. As such, the development of the QEP must be driven by the University community. To achieve such broad-based participation, the development process for QEP II involves a team of talented faculty, staff, students and alumni committed to ensuring a quality and innovative educational experience for our students. This team includes the QEP Steering Committee, QEP Outreach Committee, and QEP Assessment Committee. 

Flowchart of QEP development entities: groups and dutiesFlowchart

In order to succeed in their charges, the QEP committees need your participation. By taking part in the development of your university's Quality Enhancement Plan, you will have the opportunity to:

              *Connect with colleagues across campus over shared teaching concerns and goals
              *Contribute to Lamar University's educational innovation
              *Create an empowering educational experience for your students  


If you have questions about this process or would like to submit a formal topic proposal, please contact Dr. Melissa Hudler (QEP Director) or Dr. Matt Hoch (Outreach Committee Chair).





Quality Enhancement Plan
Dr. Melissa Hudler, Director ¦ melissa.hudler@okanaganelderlaw.com 
Office: (409)880-8525 ¦ Fax: (409)880-2188