Veteran's Employment Preference

LU Reaud Honors College Building

Hiring Our Heroes



十大电子游艺网站排行致力于为符合条件的退伍军人或残疾退伍军人申请人提供就业优先权,他们符合德克萨斯州SB805规定的最低资格和任何特殊资格.  所要求的偏好并不强制大学任命退伍军人或残疾退伍军人.  However, 他们确实要求在退伍军人或残疾退伍军人的申请评估时任命一名合格的退伍军人或残疾退伍军人, combined with the veteran’s or disabled veteran’s preference, is equal to or higher than that of a non-veteran. 

For more details regarding a Veteran’s Employment Preference, 请发送电子邮件至十大电子游艺网站排行人力资源部退伍军人就业联络处

Who’s covered?

Senate Bill 805, 84th Legislature, Regular Sessions, Section 657.003要求州政府机构在雇佣和保留退伍军人方面给予优先.  The following are entitled to veteran's employment preference:

  1. 如果退伍军人(A)在军队服役,那么退伍军人有资格享受退伍军人的就业优惠, navy, air force, coast guard, 或美国海军陆战队或美国公共卫生服务42 U.S.C. Section 201 et seq., as amended; the Texas military forces as defined by Section 437.001; an auxiliary service of one of those branches of the armed forces; and (b) was honorably discharged.  辅助服务被称为妇女单位(WAF、WAC、WM和WAV)。.

  2. 如果退伍军人在服役期间阵亡,其未再婚的未亡配偶有资格享受退伍军人优先就业待遇.

  3. 如果退伍军人的孤儿在服役期间被杀,他就有资格享受退伍军人优先就业待遇.

Interviews with Veteran Applicants

符合退伍军人优先就业条件的个人有权在面试过程中优先于没有更高资格的同一职位的其他申请人. 然而,退伍军人优先法案并不能保证退伍军人能找到工作. 十大电子游艺网站排行的职位是由招聘经理确定的最合格的候选人来填补的.

Also, 请注意,所有的就业机会是暂定的,并基于成功完成背景调查.  As such, all individuals who qualify for a Veteran’s Preference, and are extended a job offer, 是否需要提供他或她的DD214副本(或退伍军人事务部的同等证明)作为背景调查的一部分. Likewise, 未再婚的未婚幸存配偶或因在现役期间阵亡的退伍军人而成为孤儿的个人将被要求提供退伍军人的DD214副本和法律上可接受的关系证明,作为背景调查的一部分.

For more information on the Veteran’s Preference in Employment, or if you have any questions regarding the statutes, email Lamar University's Human Resources' Veteran’s Employment Liaison at For related information, please visit or



1. 退伍军人的就业偏好(VEP)是否意味着如果退伍军人申请一个职位, we are required to hire him/her?

No! We are required to interview at least one VEP candidate for each position. provided the candidate meets the minimum qualifications for the job.

2. Do we have to include a VEP candidate in the interview pool?

Yes! 如果申请人列表中有符合MQ要求的副总裁候选人,则面试池必须包括副总裁候选人.

3. 如果VEP候选人符合职位MQ,但在矩阵上得分低于任何其他候选人,即使增加了VEP点?

Each interview pool MUST include at least 1 VEP candidate, provided the candidate meets the MQ’s, 即使副总统候选人的矩阵得分低于非副总统候选人. 

4. 如果我们在面试池中包括一个相对较低的副总裁候选人 so that we can satisfy the requirement that we interview a VEP candidate, 我们是否还需要面试那些分数落在我们的副总统候选人和我们的顶级候选人之间的非副总统候选人?

No. 在拉马尔政策下,应该选择矩阵上得分最高的3名候选人进行面试. However, in order to comply with the state law, if neither of the 2 top scoring candidates is a VEP candidate, then the 3rd candidate selected for interview must be a VEP candidate. 如果前2名候选人之一是副总统候选人,那么获得3名的候选人rd highest score on the matrix will be the 3rd member of the interview pool. 

5. If none of the VEP candidates meet the MQ’s, do we have to include a VEP candidate in the interview pool?

No. 只有符合MQ要求的候选人才应该被纳入面试池. 

6. Could we be required to interview more than 1 VEP candidate?

Possibly. If you are interviewing more than 6 individuals, then 20% of your applicant pool must consist of VEP candidates, provided they meet the MQ’s. Or, 如果矩阵中得分最高的候选人是VEP候选人,无论是否添加了VEP分数, then those candidates should be included in your interview pool. 

7. Is HR going to tell the departments which candidates to interview?

No! 人力资源部将把符合条件的申请人的退伍军人偏好积分应用到矩阵中. 该部门仍然负责根据矩阵分数选择候选人进行面试. 

8. 如果我们有两个相等的候选人其中一个是副总统候选人, are we required to hire that candidate?

Maybe. 如果你有两个候选人有着完全相同的教育背景和完全相同的工作经验, 如果两个候选人在面试/评估过程中表现完全一样, 那么很有可能你需要向副总裁候选人提供offer. 

9. Can we interview more than 3 candidates?

Yes. Just remember, if you interview more than 6 candidates, 面试池中20%的成员必须是副总裁候选人,前提是有符合该职位最低资格的副总裁候选人.

10. 如果我有关于退伍军人就业偏好的问题,我可以向谁求助?

请致电十大电子游艺网站排行人力资源部(409)880-8375,并要求与退伍军人就业部门通话 Liaison or email

11. If I have a complaint regarding an employment decision, who may I contact?

Chapter 657 of the Texas Government Code 规定因国家机关或机构的决定而感到委屈的有权享受退伍军人就业优惠的个人, 在裁员的情况下,与雇用或保留个人有关的, 是否可以向该机构的管理机构提出申诉,对该决定提出上诉. Please visit  or email Lamar University's Veteran’s Employment Liaison at


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