Promotion and Tenure

2023 - 2024 Schedule

Faculty Promotion and Tenure (F2.11)

Oct 2 (M) F2.11 Documentation for Faculty Promotion and for Tenure due to Department Personnel Committee (thru Chair)
2 weeks
Oct 16 (M) F2.11 Recommendation for Faculty Promotion and for Tenure due to Department Chair from Department Personnel Committee
2 weeks
Oct 30 (M) F2.11 Recommendation for Faculty Promotion and for Tenure due to College Personnel Committee (thru Dean) from Department Chairs
2 weeks
Nov 13 (M) F2.11 Recommendation for Faculty Promotion and for Tenure due to Dean from College Personnel Committee
3 weeks
Dec 4 (M) F2.11 Recommendation for Faculty Promotion and for Tenure due to Provost (from Deans) Provost forwards to University Personnel Committee
8 weeks University Personnel Committee receives charge from Provost on Dec 9 @ 2:00
Jan 29 (M) F2.11 Recommendation for Faculty Promotion and for Tenure due to Provost from University Personnel Committee
3 weeks
Feb 19 (M) F2.11 Recommendation for Faculty Promotion and for Tenure due to President from Provost

Approved at Dean Council: June 20, 2023