LU Weekly Update Lamar University Faculty and Staff
Week of August 22, 2022
Welcome Back Cardinals 
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Angela Bryant will be one campus every Tuesday, helping you with any financial and investment questions.
Voya Financial to Answer Retirement Planning Questions

Date: Tuesday, August 23, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Location: Human Resources Department

“现在简化你的退休计划可以让你以后更容易管理." Angela Bryant will be on campus every Tuesday, helping you with any financial and investment questions. For more information, contact Human Resources.

Dishman Art Museum Presents the Department of Art & Design Faculty Art Exhibit

Date: Friday, August 26, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Location: Dishman Art Museum

The Department of Art & Design will present faculty and staff artwork in an exhibition at the Dishman Art Museum, Aug. 13 through Sept. 10. 展览将于8月11日(星期五)举行招待会,并邀请公众参加. 26, from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Hours are Monday-Friday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Saturdays from 12-4 p.m.

Tune in to 91.3 FM or listen online at, Aug. 28 at 5 p.m. 下一集的Bayoulands广播系列节目探索德克萨斯州东南部的人和地方.
Bayoulands Radio Series

Date: Sunday, August 28, 5 - 6 p.m.
Location: Virtual

Tune in to 91.3 FM or listen online at, Aug. 28 at 5 p.m. 下一集的Bayoulands广播系列节目探索德克萨斯州东南部的人和地方. This episode features Karankawa descendent Alex Perez, 卢大校友帕特里克·帕特森和奥兰治的文物屋之旅.


Date: Thursday, September 1, 4:30 - 5:30 p.m.
Location: Reaud Event Space

A reception will be held with refreshments. 与朋友和同事聚在一起,了解计划和提供的机会 Center for History and Culture. We will unveil our new logo and introduce the CHC personnel. RSVP requested.

Office of Undergraduate Research Orientation
O.U.R. Orientation

Date: Friday, September 2, 1-2:30 p.m.
Location: Landes Auditorium, Galloway Business Building

Join a casual conversation with the director of the Office of Undergraduate Research 获取有关如何参与我们的资助计划和活动的信息. 你将了解本科生研究的机会和好处, including stipends, 奖励和旅行支持,参加十大电子游艺网站排行以外的会议等等.

Learn How to Budget and Save Money Workshop-Webinar

Date: Wednesday, September 7, 3 - 4 p.m.
Location: Virtual

Join the LU Money Management Program Budgeting and Saving Workshop-Webinar with speaker Casey Galindo. 预算和储蓄是抵御生活风暴和拥有你想要的东西的关键. This webinar is one hour long; it's interactive, informative and completely free.

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Renew Your Parking Pass for FY23

Students, faculty and staff members can now log on to your Self-Service Banner Account to purchase and renew your campus parking pass. Contact the Parking Office at or 409-880-7275 for more information.

Beginning Sept. 1、所有员工、团体和团队旅行必须通过Chrome River办理.
Travel Updates

Beginning Sept. 1, all employee, group and team travel must be processed via Chrome River. 如有任何问题,请致电409-880-8383与旅行社的Jinella Sims联系.

Schedule Your Departmental Training: Avoid | Deny | Defend™

During an act of violence (e.g.(抢劫,人质事件,工作场所暴力,活跃的枪手),我该怎么办?

Hiding and hoping isn’t a very effective strategy. 避免,否认,捍卫®是一种易于记忆的方法,在暴力行为中使用. 联系十大电子游艺网站排行警察局,安排你所在部门的培训.

Thank You from Staff Council and the Cardinal Pantry!

十大电子游艺网站排行教职员委员会感谢每一位在校长大会上为我们的工作做出贡献的人 Cardinals Food Pantry. We delivered two truckloads to the Cardinal Pantry on Aug. 16.

If you missed this opportunity or forgot your donation at home, 位于Brook Shivers食堂后面的卫斯理基金会大楼全年接受捐款. 秋季/春季的捐赠时间为周一至周四上午9点.m.-5 p.m. and Friday 9 a.m.-3 p.m.


CMMS Awards 10 Research Grants

CMMS awards 10 research grants made pursuant to the FY2023 RFP! Click here to read more and view this year's projects!

Texas Retirement Planners

Spend and save wisely to live freely. Richard Becker是我们许多退休和403b, 457供应商的经纪人. He has been working with Lamar University for several years. 贝克每周四都会来这里解答你的问题. Contact Human Resources for more information.

AIG Retirement Services

Embrace a brighter future. 财务顾问布莱恩·奥纳每隔一周的周三会来学校帮你们解答有关退休的问题. For more information, contact Human Resources.

中游中心任命Quinn Holub为其行业顾问委员会成员

中游中心任命Quinn Holub为其行业顾问委员会成员. Read more about Holub on the Midstream Center's website.

With the return of students in the fall, 十大电子游艺网站排行的残疾人资源中心很高兴地宣布它有了一个新名字, the Accessibility Resource Center (ARC).
Accessibility Resource Center Announces New Name

With the return of students in the fall, 十大电子游艺网站排行的残疾人资源中心很高兴地宣布它有了一个新名字, the Accessibility Resource Center (ARC). 当特别考虑到残疾人的需要时,无障碍就出现了, 障碍被消除,学生体验的各个方面都是公平的. 每个人都受益于无障碍,我们的新名称反映了在十大电子游艺网站排行创造一种文化基础的教育体验的重要性. To learn more, visit the ARC's website.

Benefits: Discount Purchase Program through ERS

目前,员工和退休人员可以享受六折的返校装备. 德克萨斯州雇员团体福利计划的雇员和退休人员及其直系亲属有资格参加折扣购买计划. Visit Human Resources for more details.

Get Publicity
Get Publicity!

Have something to share? Submit your good news (e.g.,活动,出版物,教师研究,奖励,部门祝贺,赠款等.),营销传播办公室将通过电子邮件将消息发布出去, web, social media and more. 

All approved announcements must be received by Thursday at 3 p.m. to be included in the following week's campus update.

Fiscal Year-End 2022 Procedures & Dates

Lamar University year end processes 确保学校的业务完全符合国家法律和政策. Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 ends on Aug. 31 .年终程序的截止日期将确保本年度的支出将得到适当的支付. Learn more about Procurement Services.

每周一全天5点参加我们的活动,为所有LU教师提供半价的游戏和开胃菜, staff, students and alumni. Just bring your LU I.D.
Cardinal Mondays

Join us every Monday, all day at 5 Under Golf 为所有师生和校友提供半价游戏和开胃菜. Just bring your LU I.D.

在Spotify上收听本周的剧集或过去的剧集, or wherever you get your podcasts.
LU Moment: All about the Bayoulands | S4 Ep. 35

KVLU纪录片系列《十大电子游艺网站排行》即将迎来第六季. This week on the LU Moment, KVLU制作总监Jason Miller讲述了Bayoulands秀的历史, 他最令人难忘的片段和激动人心的话题将在第六季中出现.

请收看本周的节目或过去的LU时刻节目 Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts.

COVID19 Vaccines
COVID-19 Vaccines Available

免费COVID-19疫苗(Moderna和辉瑞)可在 Student Health Center to all Lamar University/LIT students, faculty and staff. You must register for an appointment. 

学生健康中心还为符合条件的学生提供COVID-19加强疫苗, faculty and staff for LU and LIT campuses. Eligibility criteria can be found on the CDC website. Please fill out the registration form for an appointment.

LU NEWS, August 15-21, 2022

Tiffany Tran awarded $8,500 fellowship


“我们来这里是为了帮助你成功。”与LU学生健康中心主任Shawn Gray的问答


校长Jaime Taylor欢迎教职员工进入新学年

见见SGA的新领导人:与Christian Guillory和Luis Ramirez的问答


Taylor looks to future

A Western adventure

Review: 'Erased' time travels through spiderwebs of life

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Lamar University
4400 MLK Blvd., PO Box 10009, Beaumont, Texas 77710